Towards understanding myself!

I always feel that whatever I get today, is because it was meant to be. Whatever highs and lows meet me in my life, are because I lived my life this way; it is because, I was waiting for it to happen to me. That I had given myself up to the reality of the world, to let it come and affect me. From that boy sailing in his imaginations all the time, to the time when he met people in the reality. When imagination and reality met each other and there became a conflict between the two of them. That conflict brings the me, I am today; and I am glad, that all that what happened with me, actually did. That I am not a stranger any longer to myself, but I am just what I always wanted to be. I am the person who lives in this body of mine, and talks as an individual who has sense and wit to express his individuality. I am happy, it happened to me, and the journey continues.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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