Thank you, 2014. :)

The year of 2014 came as a dream to me. Whatever happened in this year, would always be remembered by me for the rest of my life. This year was very significant to bring me even closer to my real dream of being a writer. Well, he who writes is a writer but to be honest, I want to be a writer who makes an impact in bringing peace to this society. I really wish to be that person, who can bring a smile to each person who gets to read my work. A writer who doesn't make anyone cry and be hurt all the way. Yes, I write on grief too, but I am optimistic and believe everyone should be so.

Having said this, I would agree that the past year in a way presented a different person out of me to everyone whom I have known. I have hurt people in this year and sometimes, I feel I won't be able to win back their love ever again. It makes me sad, but as it's gone by, I can't do much about it. All that I can do is, to not repeat the mistakes I have made this year in understanding people. I have grown up as an individual and I can feel how important my life is. In this world where terrorists have at one hand threatened world peace, I wish to be that one bird who brings water to dampen the fire in a building. This little effort, can make great results and that is what I am precisely looking forward to. In all of my writings, I have never tried in anyway to threaten peace or to hurt someone. Lately, I have expressed my political views as well as my views over certain issues, for instance, Delhi University's roll back of its Four Year Undergraduate Program, including my views on one of my favourite writer.  I believe everyone has a right to express one's thoughts. I am not misleading as people felt so, because I know that people know what is right or wrong for them. I didn't influence them, by expressing my views and concerns on different issues. I respect everyone's views, and feel that everyone should be given a chance to express themselves.

I have been trying to make this blog a place, which relieves you from the worldly tensions. I wish to tell you dear reader, that your thoughts and opinions mark greater importance for the betterment of this blog. If you find, something misleading or inappropriate then you can bring it to my notice. The blog name Artist Address looks forward to share your works of art if you want to share them. It's up to you, on how you believe in your art or anyone's art that can make this world a better place to live in. Simply by spreading love in every nook and cranny of this world. So that hatred dissolves to become love and friendship. With this belief, this blog works.

Wish you, a very 'Happy New Year 2015'. Make it memorable, and enjoy every bit of it.
Here, I am sharing few blog addresses which will surely bring a smile on your face, when you read through these blogs. I have come to know these blogs, in these last few days. They are as follows;
and KASAK, on Artist Address.

Thank you for your love and support.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


  1. Dear Writer!
    Artist Adrdess is not like any other blog to me. It is one the most special places i visit religiously to bring a smile on my face. It's been a treat read for me always. i won't ever be aptly able to express my gratitude towards this colourful page.
    They are very few people who understand and appreciate art in all it's forms and Gagan trust me you are one of those few. The world is obliged to have a gem like you and you really are that bird who calms and helps the fire to subside.
    keep the love for word always alive!
    In the spirit of colour, love, expression and word, have a very happy 2015!
    Cheers! :) :D
    (also, thanks for sharing blog link. It means a lot to me)

    Love and Regards,
    Reader :)

    1. Oh Devyani. I am flattered, to hear from you like always. If something that keeps this blog alive, then it's the warmth in your expressions, when you give me a belief that I can write. You have seen me from that time, when I began writing religiously from 2013. Although, it's an old blog but it has got better in the past few months. Be it sharing my stories on Facebook, or be it here; there are few readers who have accompanied me, without asking. The love and support you have given me has always been unconditional. The only way I can thank you is by keeping this spirit alive on this new year, and for years and years to come by. Let's celebrate art as much as we can, and not let it fade away.

      This world needs peace and love. We have to make it a better place to live in, starting from ourselves, when we admit to the mistakes we make or the time we hurt people. I promise to keep writing. :) Happy New Year, 2015 once again! Make it beautiful and reach for the skies.

      Your friend


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