Thoughts of the everyday man!
everyone was meant to follow the same journey to step the ladder of
success. There's no denial in saying that, a person who is willing;
makes one's own path in life. There is no accuracy in the say song,
that success comes from doing this or that. Because, as things come
to us and the manner we respond to them, define where we are
steading. So, there shouldn't be any guilt feeling, if we aren't like
the others or doing the things which others are doing. If we like
their work then yes, there's a lot to learn and give importance to.
But, in no manner putting our energies low or wayward. Never follow
them, but follow the passion and energy that they live by.
Which otherwise a lot many thoughts fail to change.
Believe. Power livens.”
Maybe, it owns to you; that you are to nurture it,
for the ages to come by and learn from your very thought;
the one that was misunderstood by others at a point,
well yeah, you know; you ruled it completely.
The happiness is that you made it your own,
You loved it and gave reasoning enough for your thought.
To make it nestle and reach the maverick skies.”
When people hurt us, it doesn't mean that they will always hurt us or if they can't change the face of their rudeness towards us. Yes, one can try to bring a good change in the personalities of people whom we meet daily. Why to let them be as they are and not give them a reflection of their deeds, when it's what we think is a viable option to be. Those negative points that lay in people, can be corrected for their own good and the company they remain, for its betterment.
“For, those to whom you gave a reflection of their being,
For what you did to their lives,
Instead of pains, you gave them thoughts to frame.
To reflect upon their ideologies,
When pain was gain,
When truth was the greatest virtue to be, and enthrall.
Your company had been magical, with your belief,
in friendship and yourself after all.”
Let stars make your presence affirmative;
as you go by along them in humble enchanting.
To let sail of the smile on this sphere of the world.
A simple curve on faces, that was the answer,
to all the griefs.
Let that be thy virtue dearest man,
to give people a reason to share a warmth and glee.”
“Everyone makes a mistake,
Can't correction to them be a supersede?
Why to let self be in pain,
While the stars of love heed;
over your nature and dream,
to give you another thought, another dream.
That to you world becomes not a burden,
but an incarnation to the supreme.”
Gagandeep Singh Vaid
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