A talk in the train! Meetup-2(ii)

It had been awhile that they had settled themselves in the metro coach. Finding a seat for themselves. Now the time being seven thirty. School going boys and girls were visible and so were the office goers, who presumably had their offices at far off places. So, they had to leave early in comparison to the others, who lived near to their offices. The office hours being the traditional nine to five!

Raghubir and Ratan were art connoisseures , who had started to understand each-other's point of view. Gentle smiles they kept lightened on their faces, as their talks stretched further on. Ratan hadn't had good sleep the night before, so he looked a little clumsy that day. On the other hand, Raghubir; the writer guy, sensed happiness in full glow; with a beautiful sunrise, steading hopes and dreams in everyone. For, Raghubir was a guy, who slept at a definite time and woke up at the right time, so following his routine splendidly. Only to sense peace, with the rhythm of the day and night.

Where anyone would be thoughtful, quite concerned about the business cycle to function in their respective offices; with a constant watch at the stock market or the remote figures of sales and profits, Raghubir would imagine what he was to write on. A new subject, a new topic of concern, he would be on a lookout for. He was happy, the newspaper he had worked for, treated him well enough. Respected his work and he asked for nothing else. But, was it the end of everything? To find a good job, and keeping to it. To this thought, he quite a many times; questioned himself. Why was he just following that road. Why wasn't he like everyone else? And would people keep on liking what he wrote; then in the next thought, he wondered that he too had fears. He wasn't different and yes, those fears only motivated one to work towards what one's aim in life was.

The conversation between the two friends started yet again! This time, a new start; as a new blooming flower in a garden. The garden this time being their friendship, and the flower, their new conversation that was to set in place this time.

'Hey, Ratan! What do you think about the best moment in a day?' Started Raghubir!
'Well..umm... is it necessary that we get that very best moment everyday. I don't think, it comes to us everyday. Is it?' Ratan gave a reply, that was not direct, but it had some weight. Raghubir once again, kept on guessing and tried to make meaning of what his friend had just pointed out.
'Yes, Ratan. I feel; there are many a times in a day. We are happy, sad; we are confused, we feel left-out. But that very moment, when you feel the most special. I'm talking of that moment in the day.'
'Raghubir, not everyone makes us feel special. And we don't feel special everyday. Still, if you're to ask me, regarding that one person who turns brightness to my day; then it is the smile on my mother's face, the smile on my father's face. So, that moment is the most special one in the day.'
'Yes, I agree. That's one of the sweetest feeling to see them happy.'

There was a pause in between their interaction. This time, Ratan hit the conversation on, yet again.

'What about that feeling of love?'
'What are you talking about Ratan?'
'I'm talking about, the moment when you feel loved.'
'Oh, yeah; what about that?'
'Oh, Raghubir..man, you sound so innocent! Hahaha.. I was asking you, that feeling of love. Okay, tell me; how it felt, when you fell in love.'

On Ratan's instant push back to the conversation, his friend was amazed. Thinking, what to say; if not to keep all in his heart. Also, how did he know; that Raghubir had been in love once.

Ratan poked him, to say something; moving his head in slight motion to the left and then right, and then his head started moving like a pendulum, as they were seated on the metro coach. Raghubir, couldn't hide his thoughts, his thoughts of love; which were feelings once, but had to become thoughts, well; the thoughts that could any day take the rich form of powerful feelings. He had to speak up, he wanted to. But why didn't he do so? The question embarked and Ratan's constant nudging into the situation, made it difficult for Raghubir to keep it hidden. Until he started his story. The story of his love. The love, that was one sided; but yes, it was love.

While asking Raghubir about his love, Ratan got lost somewhere; after Raghubir was a bit confused regarding what to say or tell his long lost friend, about his story. It was as if, two loners were sitting together, unknown of each other’s sole presence. Ratan had insisted his friend but now, even he had to be nudged as if to bring him back to the real world. Somewhere these two men had lost themselves to their imaginations.

Ratan started off this time again, this time in a different outlook; a facet that was felt in traces but not in its real paradigm of place earlier to Raghubir. It happened this time, he began his speech as silence outstretched in between his sentences; only to give way to emotions and feelings to unveil, their significance and clarity. It was Ratan, the actor; or the man, who had been in love too; everyone had been in love, but could anyone show it so beautifully as it came in his eyes? Raghubir kept on his incessant gaze, to not lose its pointedness from Ratan’s face.

“When the heart sings in solitude,
It doesn’t require the possessions.
For, the heart sings in solitude,
We don’t talk of the possessions.

To the girl of my dreams,
I sayest; I had loved thee.
Your presence of solemnity-
ever resplendent thine sight be,
oh, i can encounter a whole sea,
along my thoughtful realms.

To see, to witness along your lines,
To feel, your care, I had felt, you were mine.
Oh, how very pity of my thoughtful tendency,
For no one is meant to live for somebody;
It is left at last to the soul of one’s own body,
No one else, has to be nudged and heed.

Ever along, the waterfalls;
The sight of a maniac, my heart of glow.
Her feelings of sunshine,
My love and hers always combined.
So, why did we have to part the ways,
Even if we did, was it any wrong, do u say?
No, not at all, you live in my traces,
My being alive, singests thine tones;
Oh, how wonderful it was to be with you,
And how lovely it is to say so, that we still do
belong. To the same sunshine, to the same ghettos;
in pain, disarray and broken hopes we lay,
but why sow the seeds of weakness to let us haunt.
When we know, that we still love each other,
Even when we had to part ways and afar to go.”

Ratan had expressed his heartiest feelings to Raghubir, in his own stanzas and poetic exclamation! Raghubir kept on his glance at his buddy to know, what really he had said, had meant. How rich his thoughts had been to not expect someone to be by your side always physically. Even the girl who took your heart away. You couldn’t possess her and neither was it right to do so. Because, it was so eternal to let her be what she liked. Let her decide for herself and her life. As this life was all about that person in us, who came alone to this world and had to go away alone as well. Also, had Raghubir realised a thought put by veteran author, Paulo Coelho that, “If you love someone, you must be prepared to set them free.”

Engulfed in his thoughts, Ratan kept on his eyes gazing continuously at the floor of the metro coach far ahead of him. His head wasn’t bent down, he left it lofted but slightly his sight ended at the flooring. As if, he had remembered everything while looking around the metro coach and having found solace in his vision at that floor surface. The chain of thoughts had well bred, with a realization, a comfort; magic it was, that Ratan could open his hidden passages to his friend in utmost freedom and comfort as pointed out earlier already.

Ratan began setting his eyes over his friend’s eyes. “You know man, that life shows us different paths every time. What matters is, how we accept that path. Either as a learning, an emotion to cling to and define our space in this world, or just keep on the grudges for the bad that we think, happened only to us. Just, to breathe easy and not let the situations break us, we learn to live our lives. That’s it from it, all I had in my mind.”

Ratan began his poetic expression as if it had been his ritual or the mood set for that day.

“Days and days,
Oh-you pass the sage,
Who loses and who wins;
Who cares to see that in life.
What I see is myself-my mindful state.
That moment, I feel special of my being present.
I get to say, that I also live and I am not lost- so yet again,
I have got the values to stick to, and that is to respect my art-
oh, it’s magical grace.”

Raghubir had got answers to his questions in the earlier part of their conversations. When he had asked Ratan on what he felt was the most special moment in his day. The answers were coming, and the spirits were ever awakened. Yes, those were the spirits of love. Well, someone rightly said so- that, if God ever was. God was there at that moment.

Raghubir’s love story could be heard some other day, or yes; when destiny would stage their meeting ever again.

It all seemed like a stage, and the curtains were drawned to that very stage; as the two friends parted, promising to meet again, some other day.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid
23-24th August' 14


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