
Greener are the forests each day,
Moves a couple everyday ,
In search of those winds,
Which each moment fly past their instincts,
Making the feel so much together

The smiles are captured in the forest road,
When the boy delivers his love call,
For how much he cares for her,
In all glitter of honesty

The paths they move on,
There they orient a call of love,
As the wind gets filled with the aroma,
Of amiable being

Where someone cares,
And where the birds also put in,
Their twitter along,
It's the majestic attachment,
When the royalty of love,
Finds the greener place,
As the most soothing place,
And looking at their oneness,
Are the trees along gliding,
Greeener and greener when they become,
As reason of the lightning of the love joys


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