A walk together, forever! Celebrate the beauty of your bond! Happy Best F.r.i.e.n.d.s Day!

In the different stages of life, we come across a lot people. Some may come and go; and some become an integral part of our lives. Someone who is happy, when we are happy and who is sad, when we are sad. Yes, that one person whom we meet out of nowhere in the most unexpected places or situations become so important that we can’t afford to lose them.
We find that one person whom we call our best friend, in school, college, neighborhood, vacations, workplace etc. It may happen that when we switch places, we may become distant but one thing is for sure, that the feelings and emotions attached to a best friend never go away with the increasing distance between the two of you. True friendship is like wine, which only intensifies with the passing time. Time and distance don’t take away the special connection that best friends hold. Well, the word ‘Best’ has attached with itself a special meaning. Best friend can be one, two, three or four. They accept you for who you are and they know you like the back of their hand. When often others in your life seem to abandon you, you know that your best friend would be there to hold you when you fall down.  
While you cross the newer horizons in life, you meet new people. Even in meeting new people, you carry forward those old friends of yours as they carry your memories in every day of their lives. Memories are such beautiful blessings that act as magicians to turn our mood happy or sad. We may cry thinking of them, we may break into a laughing streak; the support of our best friends’ means the world to us.
What happens when we first meet?
We may not be like each other, where one friend would be very silent and shy; the other friend might be talkative and fun loving. Where one friend would like to stay at home on the New Year’s Eve, the other friend would be a complete party animal! Regardless of the differences between the two best friends, there is always a compatibility factor between them. They follow each other’s interests just because doing that brings a smile on their faces.
Wherever we go in life, wherever we reach for that matter, we have someone there for us in our best friend. Best friends are the soul mates, who feel what we feel, who wish the best for us, and in their prayers is always our name. Today on ‘The National Best Friends Day’ make them feel special, and tell them what they already know, that they mean the world to you! Cheers to your friendship!
Gagandeep Singh Vaid

Edited by,
Aishwarya Anand


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