towards glee.

Seldom, the eyes water.
To read my poems,
I remember every situation,
Every time that I wrote,
Every time that I prayed.

A lot was there in my heart,
I had wishes to say it all,
Yet, music had its own blend,
It's own tone, that went up,
that went down, as emotions.
Sometimes, all glitter 'twas,
Sometimes, array of dismay.
What was mine, what was not,
was just an illusionary substance;
In me, my heart; a million dreams,
a lot to express, a lot to feel.
Yet alone, everyone had-
their own a journey, it was how-
life came, and I accepted it.

To stand at the shore,
to witness the sea waves prolong.
Whether love was like that,
that it came, and didn't return,
from where it came- like the waves;
it would be such a beautiful dream.
Well, in life; we never know,
what tomorrow has in store.
Only what we know is that-
there is love in every walk,
that we pass or our life takes along.

In this limited time, we are here,
let's not be forgotten in our grief,
but transcend all the harmony,
with our words, our actions-
that we can blossom in our lives.
Because, that's the only way,
to a peaceful, yet sans expectations,
an upbringing of one's life to be.


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