A dream, A flair.
Her kiss was as loyal,
as her heart was for him.
When her eyes said it all,
as he heard her,
in her saying.
Few truths of life-
few dreams could only,
but meet- where no one else,
had a say- or had known what to say.
There was silence,
the peace they shared;
when the world around them,
was as fierce, and harming,
they were along, there;
sitting and enchanting,
for bliss to fall and lighten,
every day with love, and glory.
They had long dreams,
until, it was the parting,
of their seamless love story.
The times, had passed by,
The distance had been long-
still that touch, the vibes-
steered with the days,
in memories, in far sight-
of the dreams so loyal.
When life was a gift,
a magical portrayal,
to be.
Dreams were dreams,
that no one could but erase.
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