I wonder if I am going right,
I daresay you have not to fright,
Even on big seeming hurdles,
But get the 'Enigma' into your being,
Not at time losing hope,
But trying..

For, that 'Enigma',
You need an approach,
Of curious roads,
Filled with frost,
Who still in that uncalm situation,
Take time to face the wax,
But slowly does the ice melt,
And again the bushes,
And the roads then come and stand,
In the brightning fences way..

Again the phenomenon repeats,
Of snow getting on,
But don't we like the snow,
Wearing the jackets and scarfs,
So, come on and mark your approach with 'Enigma', when time is difficult,
And tell yourself,
Wonder had I got no hurdles,
What was my fate,
Had it been so marvelous,
Get to believe in good,
So does it happen,
With power of a change, 'Enigma'


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