Only had patience..
Only if you had patience enough to peek into her heart,
could you lighten your thoughtful aperture,
because she deserves better, she deserves every respect,
she deserves your love. Only if you could have patience enough,
to peek into the heart, who prays day and night for you,
for your goodness and success, the one who cares for,
every step you put, she is there for you. Today, when she needs you,
when she needs your love, you deny her of that respect.
Only if you had patience enough to peek into her heartiest being..
could you realise, what it was to love..
could you lighten your thoughtful aperture,
because she deserves better, she deserves every respect,
she deserves your love. Only if you could have patience enough,
to peek into the heart, who prays day and night for you,
for your goodness and success, the one who cares for,
every step you put, she is there for you. Today, when she needs you,
when she needs your love, you deny her of that respect.
Only if you had patience enough to peek into her heartiest being..
could you realise, what it was to love..
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