learnings from you!

your eyes sight to me,
every thought to praise,
the art around me in optimal.
with you I visit places,
as wide and full of colours.
there is a certain grace,
in the sunlight of wonders.

your heart is wishful,
to accept the enchanting
views of all the artistry,
that we come to witness.
of dedicated men and women
whose works of art,
are a lifelong love affair.
their being complete is,
with the thoughts of their art,
always being at the back
of their minds. they know
it well, for what belongs
to beauty should reach
to its rightful place, always.

such is the connection,
and joy to be associated,
with one's dreams aligned,
in love of one's life.
this I learn from you,
dearest friend of mine!
to appreciate the beauty,
and make it shine!


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