“Swacha Bharat Abhiyan~ The way!”

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, a name which ruled the sporting world; proves it why, he remains to be in the hearts of his countrymen. 

From being the best on the cricket field, this sporting icon has made it clear as of why; he stands out amongst all; to express his love for his country. Recently, Sachin along with his team acknowledged the campaign put to light by the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. The campaign by the name of, ‘Swaach Bharat Abhiyan’, was brought forward to the people of India, on the eve of  the 'Independence Day', when Mr. Modi,  in his speech pronounced the need towards cleanliness. Cleanliness that was not the job of sweepers and washermen alone, but cleanliness was an attribute to be taken upon by every citizen of the Nation.

Sachin and his team, reached a roadside in Mumbai; that was full of dirt. So much so, it was a nightmare for not only the morning walkers, but also the people passing through that very road in cars or scooters. As Sachin points out, the morning walkers could not use the pavement for walking and had to walk on the road instead; it was the need of the hour, for the citizens to themselves come up and clean their city. Sachin added that, “It was to be understood by the people, to consider the country as their bigger house. The manner we keep our house clean, similarly we should take care of our country. No one should spit anywhere on the road, because that added to the disgrace, and made the streets and roads look in a bad shape. To not throw the waste material, like packets, empty bottles, cans on the roads, but in the dustbins which were meant for the same.”

Sachin, had a talk with the sweepers who were assigned the responsibility by the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation to clean the roads. Sachin told them, how our country is our mother; and only if they could do their work on time, they would do a great job towards their motherland.  They soon joined the team and in two days, the road was beautified, with walls painted with the help of the localites; the grass was cut and it was a good deed done by the people.  

Simply it shows, that unity is strength. Only if people could not throw the waste materials on the roads, there would be a better atmosphere; a better city, a ‘progressive’ country in real sense of the word.  Also, cleanliness was the responsibility of each and every individual and not only a few.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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