Walk of our life..

A moment in our lives when we want to say lots, but situations don't tend to be so. Your expectations have risen great stead, and you are the one, who can't look down anymore, but want to grow, and grow up to the level of your dreams. When you are purely confident, and have achieved your wishes, from your own self, then you wish to speak your mouth open. But till then, will it be late or will the plea accepted, and be according to our innermost dreams and anticipations from our own life. More comes in life each moment, the diverse you make of it. But in all these opportunities, between them, we have given a form to love and affection for someone, very special to us, and our soul.This is the rhythm of life, that remains in its tone, and best suites us when we go on making and creating what we have seen in the power of our greatest dreams. The love is never less, but more each passing instance in the walk of life..


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