Coming of age

Over the past days, I have been equipped strongly by the forces of do and don't. There aspires to be a time, when I take the lazy fragment, out of me to speak. Later on I keep on with this factor and imagine, for a moment henceforth, how much did I lose, just because, I said I will take up this job tomorrow. Sometimes, that very task was submerged with other tasks, or at the other times, I competely forgot, the hold of my view, about what was to be done. Times also surmount, when I have a slash of thought, about this work is to be done, may be for hobby sake, but losing even that, makes me feel as if I could have done more, had I planned more brightly. But in our lives, days take a new turn, new thoughts, new methods of approaching our tasks. We tend to create a web, like spider web and there is a locus. If we tend to live the day to fully, we are overjoyed, by the way we have lead the day, or dealt with the happennings of the day. This way, we are happy at the end of the day, when a very aspiring sleep takes up, i t's web, and a new day appears, with new thoughts, and new work, or work of the past day, being carried up, but with that curiosity, that I can't explain openly, because, of it's tenderness. Just a thought, that keep on changing your appetite, your lifestyle and keep on growing, proliferately, through different ventures, but believe, you can make the best way out, and eventually win it, for you have it deep residing in you. The power of content, amazement, and yeah! the wisdom seeking people often say, be adventurous, and keep on amazing your life, with the talent, you have in you very inner shelves. Come of age, with your dreams to see them in reality.


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