Snippets of the Mind (3/03/2016)


There are those moments in life when I want things to fix but it appears that things are immovable. I feel lost, I feel like I am powerless; devoid of any energy to go beyond. There is a lot of work that I long to do; there is a lot to perform, to achieve in life. So much so that the thirst or call it passion does  not disappear into anywhere. It just comes up, it just makes me stronger but guess what I lose on the part of life where I have to actually move things. At the same point, it is not that I am unsuccessful fully—all that happens is, that somewhere or the other I am adding to the river, droplets of my toil.

This toil is towards my dream, a dream that I see and have been seeing for a long-long time. For me people become barriers and they appear immovable to me—but that is how life is I feel. Maybe they are the forces who make this life worthwhile. They are the ones who bring as much energy to me, as much strength to me—that later on in life I would be prepared to stand the test of times. I will stay with all my energies, to take on even bigger challenges in life.

Moreover everyone works hard in life—sometimes they are not smart enough to stead their own ways and sometimes luck sits besides them ever strong and consistent that they go on achieving the best in their lives. Well even if luck works once, it cannot work again and again; the time is a teacher. It is obedient, it is fairer and the same for all.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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