Festival, More Than A Word
Image Source: Solo-Tuder |
Some of us might think what’s the need to know and read about such a word which we already know the meaning of? But I’ll bring this into the limelight. Did anyone know where the word ‘Festival’ came from? I bet no one, although some might take a guess and say it must have been derived from some Latin word and yes it has. As a matter of fact in early 1300’s in Latin it was called ‘Feast’ but before that it was called ‘Festus’. Now as the word ‘Feast’ tells us, it means a large meal prepared for everyone due to celebration purposes and in those times people often gathered and celebrated usually because of the victories and feats they triumphed.
But that was just history. These days when we hear the word ‘Festival’ we only focus on the word that precedes with it like, holiday, offer, bonus, leave, etc., which is the reason why we are happy about it most of the times. Plus a festival is always considered now as a religious one. In fact when we hear the word ‘Festival’ indirectly we think of a ‘Religious Holiday’. The true spirit of Festival just diminishes in between those lines, more of it becomes as a custom, a mandatory obligation, a ritual rather than a true joyous celebration.
Even if it is our religious holiday so to speak, we only enjoy it when we get to do things which we want to do, like shopping, going out, meeting relatives or just getting some rest, the list goes on. But then when was it the last time you actually celebrated that festival with everyone you know of or around with or whom you just see on day to day basis or just the people who are the dearest to you, with your full heart and greeted them, shared words, gifts and food with? There may be reasons why one or you haven’t but then again have you celebrated it that way?
Festival is meant to be celebrated with everyone, especially regardless of religion or class, after all we are all one big community living and sharing together in one way or another. It’s a joyous occasion which needs to be acknowledged and shared amongst us. Not a mere holiday or break from our day to day routine. That’s what the meaning of it tell us, right?
——Written by,
Himanshu Negi
Image Source: Artist Address
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