It Was Not A Failure, It Was Love

Standing Together

Head let down, she had cried.
She tried to smile, though her smile lied.
Nothing to be happy about,
She still took a roundabout.

For life was a journey long,
Neither was it simple, nor was it throng.
The most important part was,
That it was not a sing-song.

She realised this, as she moved to school,
Her eyes fetching success from her dreams,
While the day had something else in store.
She had failed, failed the yearly exams,
While her mother cleared her tears,
There was no one to sympathise with them.
But soon she asked herself,
Was it the end of life after all?

No, it was not. For, that day she started-
To work even harder, not that she didn't earlier.
This time, she had an aim even farther.
Not good at studies, she had to fall-
But she wasn't the one who lost,
For she got up again.

This time she spent time with herself,
This time, no way she could let happen,
What she saw on her mother's face,
She couldn't let her cry,
For it was around her, that her world occurred.

The days passed into nights,
The nights passed into days,
The person who came out,
Was strong enough-
To sustain tolerance in her heart.

Not to answer the world,
For what had happened wrong with her,
But to tell herself that she was a winner.

Then one day finally, when success came,
She didn't celebrate or smile,
She just touched her mom's face,
And kissed her, a kiss of symphony-
Love and trust.
It was the magical moment,
For it was gratitude for unconditional love,
That they felt for each other.

Mother and daughter sat together,
Watching over the memories,
Of the last year and now,
The acceptance of loss and strength to answer-
With results and hard work.


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