The best of Artist Address~ 3.

They said, 'Hey, you make us read!'
I was glad, I readily said; 'Oh, thank you!'
They said, 'Hey, you make us dream!'
I smiled and replied back, 'It's you and your dream that lightens. I'm glad, I made you realize your possessions, in your dreams.' 

It was a heart to heart exchange amongst us!

Sketch by Ritika Sarraf
Eyes of suspicion,
Yet eyes of dreams.
You know not what his dreams be,
For you know only of your dreams. 
Wait, and think; I suggest,
you to introspect.
Maybe, your aspirations get wings,
maybe, some work you have left,
that you have forgotten, you remember that.
Look around yourself, and complete yourself,
for you have the power to do so.
You're the one responsible for your happiness,
your sadness, you're the power, look into yourself,
and find yourself. What you really want,
your heart knows all that. 
Listen to your heart, is all what I am saying to you.
That's peace and magic. You're the creator,
the artist who lives to see each day appear,
and finds one's path in following that art.
Your life's meaning somewhere is hidden,
in your art and art is an expression of yourself,
so cheers to who you're, and cheers to your art!
When I walk in the same garden where you walk,
Why don't we search for each other and talk?
We are then talking to the freshness in the breeze, we are feeling celebrated; and talking to our respective soul. So, we don't search for each other. 
But why can't we talk? 
It's about the artist thing, to do what gives us peace. In the morning, only my soul can give me that. We will talk after the walk! 
Enchanting and wishful,
Her dreams became mine! 

I never thought, of myself as an important person until I met you. Your meeting me, made all the difference. That, with time not only time differed, but also dreams. Just, what didn't differ was love, our bond.
The stars sat to drink rum and wine,
I asked them; Listen, would you-
please tell me, when do you shine?
They said, we shine only when-
with your dreams you dine and spend
seamless hours everyday like a rhyme.
Then we shine, got it?
Now, please go away!
Let us enjoy rum and wine,
and when you work towards your dream,
we will combine our light,
and you shall shine, and not us!
It became an artistic night,
With many sketches of hers,
Everything lied in her sight.

Felt and Said!
Many a days stretched by,
Many a moments combined,
Your smile, your grace,
touched me, to become a
part of me and you progressed
each day, to make a part of yours in me.
Inwards and outward of me,
that I take thine name;
I can feel close to you
that I call you mine.
Some people call me,
they tell me that as I write
upon, you are my muse.
I know not what to sayto them, when I feel
you don't only make me
write but you have
also taught me how to
live. That you're so
special to me, that
you complete me in our
incomplete story. That in
not being mine, you have
been mine and vice versa.
Such is our bond to be in reality.
Someone's love..

It felt as if, it was all meant to be.
Under the stars, her dreams had become even honest.
He understood her well and so, 
He fell in love with her, yet again every other night.
Since long back, he had the same feelings,
Beautified every day, with new dreams of her.


Wisdom, stars and reflection. Welcome, summer nights.

A way of life~
You need to be bright,
Said the schoolmaster.
I have to be colourful,
Said the boy to himself.
He felt,
For brightness he had to work,
So he gathered all colours
To give light to his dreams.
Those colours were,
Colours of life.
One had to live through them,
To grow up to understand them.
So, he started living,
Up to every emotion,
He was strong
and capable,
Only because, he didn't lose hope.
He struggled and hoped,
That his set of brightness
Would meet his gaze.
In the meanwhile,
He loved the colours,
Those gave him a direction
and a way of life~
slipped into imaginations
he was led by self interest
when she asked him
if it was love
and then,
she asked how long,
how long she had to wait,
for him.
he felt if he could say,
not a single day.
then he realised,
she would go forever,
then, he wiped tears
from his eyes,
and told her,
she could do as was wishful.
she could go,
but he had her memories,
he wouldn't leave her ever.
reality and imaginations,
were two different
set of things.
while she lived in reality,
he had slipped into
his imaginations.
he found his happiness
settled there.
where he found his peace
in the distance
she didn't find her peace
in the distance
he was led by self interest
because he had found
his peace and happiness
least bothered for hers
as it lied in him in reality.
Close knitted harmony,
couldn't be erased with his denial,
that it wasn't love from his side.
If she had loved him,
his presence wouldn't matter,
as much as his dreams would,
matter to her. but were imaginations
capable enough of love?
could one live one's whole life
based on imaginations?
it was strange, how he believed,
that in dreams, love remained.
yet, he had found solace in his dreams,
when the songs of love were denied
to him in the reality. he found happiness,
in the unknown and the known,
that is in his dreams. could she also,
find her love in dreams,
was again a question unanswered.
it was tough for her,
yet it was his way of life.
He was used to it,
while to her it was
all new,
everything new fold.
Gagandeep Singh Vaid
for Artist Address~


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