If it isn't about love, then what?

Love isn't about gifting precious diamonds. It's neither a flame for people to rest their lives upon. It's the essence of long dealt freedom. When the mind or heart isn't shy to express to the world it's very attraction. Whatever it feels, it easily expresses. Love the world and so does the world love you.
The patches are green, the moisture in the air is softly drenching the cheeks of sweat. The walk maintains with the equilibrium in interest paving the traveler ahead. It's not that the road is very clear and smooth, it's about experimenting and the love of doing that. Blending the art craft to one's soul and transcending the beauty of nature into one's patient mind- transgresses the enormous textures to the real world from the artificial colours that occur. Such is the highness and glory of art. It emulsifies the artist with similar equations and enlightens every roadway and road past that we move and comrade with added notches of learning and perseverance.


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