Daily Fights, Commotion and Light!

Our daily fights happen because of people,
As if, they decide our fates and the picture-
of our bond, our relationship.

I get lost in my bay of confusion,
of why do we react the way we do?
Is not there any level of understanding,
or guide to let us out of melancholy?

I go on wandering like my older self,
silent, yet aggressive within myself;
When there rages a fire, inextinguishable,
I try to stay calm, yet I am puzzled,
thinking if it is an end once again for us?

Why does it happen that I feel lonely,
While being in the company of many?
Why is it that I wait for the stars,
to lighten me, with pearls of honesty?
Why am I not fulfilled, when I can dive-
ride in the skies of joy and sincerity?

Wait, I will try writing another poem,
Maybe that shall draw me closer to her-
Closer to her living, her dreams and her thoughts.
Well, I bid you bye dearest reader,
For I have to make up for the day-
that has logged itself in crystals of dismay!
Let me dream optimism, to widen our faces;
Wish us happiness and love for the times to come.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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