Conversing with self!

That day was dazzling, and it was just awesome!
When she came up to me, and asked for my number. 
She had wanted to know about the timings of the shop,
next to my shop. I was new to this market, I hadn't known;
but I had always seen her, in the earlier shop where I worked.
She usually had earphones covering her ears, and I just glanced,
at her until I realised that I casted a bad example of men, staring at women,
and that constant gaze. The later times she came, I had by then corrected,
my eyes as to not stare at her. For, yes; I had known her face pretty well,
by now that I did not have to find more in her face. But, are you sure Rustam?
Are you sure, you don't want to find anything more in her face?
I know, you had read Paulo Coelho's ELEVEN MINUTES the other day,
and after reading this book, you were talking all the more about 'light'.
'Light', that was seen in the faces, yes that 'light', I am talking about.
Oh, dear that is right! But, hey! Did you just let her go, you didn't look at her even once?
Dude, at least you could have known what dress she was wearing that day.

Yes, I did see her face; my eyes didn't constant on her dress, even if I passed a stare, I don't remember what she was wearing. Moreover, I was so fearful when she came standing next to me. I didn't know how to react at that time, that I lost pace of my thoughts. You understand, Rustam? Yeah, dude! Her eyes were so magnetic, as if calling me to dine in a world of imaginative upbringing. I mean, to dine with her. She was soon gone, after she had taken the telephone number of my shop. I knew, she would call me; to know, if the shop next to mine, had opened or not. This was a new market, the previous one was demolished by the Municipal department for its old structure. 

Today, when Sohan opens his shop; I would thank him, for having his shop next to mine. For, it was just because of him that I interacted with this lady for the first time in my life. I know, I had no words to say to her. She is a lady of high class, and when she talked to me, believe me Rustam, I had no idea whether I were in dreams or in reality. I know, I often see these dreams in sleep but in the reality to meet her sight, 'Oh God, it was so special in itself.' Now, I am just waiting for the telephone to ring and when I talk to her, maybe we will talk again after today. Who knows..?

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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