but when she went, he looked upon to say, that please stop, hey, but then she went. he had been sitting, near the shore, to that sea. he had been bidding, byes to the lore, her dreams. in the silent description, of the sand dunes, he found his friend, his happiness, his pace, he was yet again, on his steps, he had been freed that day. she was right, he wasn't- in love with her, for he only praised the sea, little did he praise her beauty. she realized it earlier than he could, and in that broken love, they had found the love, of their lives. where she found another man, who had loved her, but could never say. there he found his world, the landscape, the birds, the stars and the sun, his love was like hers, universal. her man, who waited, for months and years, had met her. his answers were standing next to him, answers of life, of joy and decorum.