A rhyming sail.
Her shoulder, to keep his head on; Her eyes would understand each vibe, whatever his heart had to say, she had known already, whether he said so, or naught, she had known him this much strong. His heart knew how it felt to be in her place, her situation. Whilst she wouldn’t believe he felt her pain. She believed not in him, for any care; she only knew, how to give love and not to accept it. He had known many a people, like her, who had lived a life with many- many people. Her friends, they had been. Whilst he roamed around, being lonely, She decorated every moment, with a feel, enriched with love, that was the paradise. With her pals, pleasant every day of memories, full of joy and symphony. Life had brought them, at this array; that they had to meet, being from exactly different poles, yet they say, that the opposites attract, do they stand, for each-other, every part of the day. How much in everyday do they disagree, it doesn’t matter. For, at the en...