From a poet's heart to the Reader

Every night before sleep meets my mind to rest,
I remember her in my selected thoughts.
She is generous, a lady of her words,
how well she carries herself -
I can go on complimenting,
and I know as much as it can
make her shyly smile,
can she be equally irritated
with so much of love,
that she never plans to accept.

Yet this lover's heart
shall sing poems in her memory -
to sleep with a heart-full of
love and friendship as she calls it.

Every story of pals
doesn't necessarily fructify
to the bond of love;
for love as a term,
has varied meanings,
for me, for her, for you -
dear Reader!

I leave this story with you,
to narrate to your beloved,
and appreciate him or her in your life.
Because 'love' should be
treasured everyday
irrespective of external things in life.

Gagandeep Singh Vaid


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