
Few moments in life are really unforgettable. And those moments are striking at so many instances. What can we do? It's the power of love. The feeling which arises may be a feeling of guilt or remorse. Or it may tell you that you could have gained something, like that - what you see keenly. You may believe that you had the abilities to be that just you weren't made to step that very direction.

Feelings making you manifest your yesterday. Time spent with friends and lovely days. It's just making us stronger in each context of life. We are bigger, stronger and sharper. We get to intake experiences, the trust we get to figure in ourselves is beautiful. It's up to us as how we respond to things and how we inherit them. These all make up as consequences trenching our roads ahead.

What was yesterday we know now. What is future that we have to construct. Now which step to foot first and accordingly is in our own hands. For this very life is long and the very flash of each thing which happens is remembered by us all over. Throughout we live and prosper living with ideas we were built with at all these circumstances. And the addition of all these make us. The real I.

Concluding it, saying that whatever comes now, just take it in otherwise it gonna be late enough when you realize it and do another set of remorse


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