The scribed punches

Punches, is referred to as the time period when we are so much ready and fierced with attention. Scribed means the written scenario of scenes in our hearts' likable content. If we like something, then for the time when that thing takes place, we are pleased and wish to keep getting glimpse of the beats.

To consider, another example,
When we are listening to a song, then in between that song their is a tuned, well sung touching line. We like that line as the best part of that song and are making that part of the song to be played again and again. This is a process of self judgement and is based by our nature. We like songs in that way and it's all pleasing us.

Recently, talking to a philosopher, I enquired that, what should we do, when we are wasting our time. When it is not supposed from us to react in that order but simply we can't handle our mind and stake of the situation? He answered that, keep a photograph which makes you most happier and makes you see dreams. Or something which gives you energy, to flow in line to your persuits. I then got a picture of my childhood, which is while sitting in a garden and the feeling which comes when I look at it is immensely strong, I can start working ! So, it's a great thing which excites your true nature to excel. The picture gives me a emotional touch and the sweetness of that face inscribes again just happiness.


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