The Laminar Flow

What relies in me, is what the world gets to know.
A line spoken by a guy aged 16 years. who actually gets what he is capable of and he can represent his thinkings to the world surrounding him. The people are expecting the best of you, and the best from you. So it's your inner conscience, which knows the better then even the greatest beings. Just he knows onething that his existence is the greatest and no one other shall cramp up to help or make him big, until he stears. A goal in alignment of life, focussed is as earlier said, through tolerence and right habits.

We learn from outside sources and we develop ourselves following their ideals and routes, people have gained because they all had set before them ideals but it's at some point we ourselves. The guy also shared with me that once his history teacher said to the whole class. That boys and girls see, their is a point, that Style remains forever but fashions come and go. He enveloped that and after the quote he remarked upon himself saying that make your own image and follow, respect others' because they all have worked hard, at last it is you who has to broaden the perspectives and align your today in such a blend that people talk about you and love you.

Something or other happenning in our lives, remark upon a tuch and that touch revolutionizes to greatest achievements one day. Just polish and see the results, really interesting! :)


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