Fog and warmth!

The days were beautiful, from the very beginning of the school life. Much better whence she met him, and they fell in love. Like an ocean in depth, the dreams were laden at the forefront. Only to be recurred with a pond, lesser expectations; but more on living the moments. The tidings were felt, the upsurge and downturn of the waves taken into note. It was terrific, to see the stars brim with twinkling. They talked in person in the chilly winter mornings. She came running from her home, in ardent hope to see him standing with roses in his hands everyday. He came with hopes to see her as dazzling as a queen that she was, just because he had loved her every passing moment.

For a moment, time used to stop. The winds might flash, just they stopped as soon as they found each other eyes in eyes. The roses, the rain,the winds, were the background solitaires doing the rounds to make the moment as romantic as ever can romance be best defined in the dictionary of love, if there was any. The aura of her presence, the nascence of her breathe, as they came closer and she rested her warm hands on his hands became more defined. Life was a poetry, the heartfelt poetry, a rendition of art, the treasure beyond measures. In no time, the lovers resumed the feeling and arms in arms felt what wasn't felt otherwise. The warmth and the soothing. It was then that the day began once again, with reminiscence in the memories of their school life, now that they were no longer kids at school, for they were remembering those days.


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