Beauty: You are the person who embodies that: Feel that!

Simple things in life are the most joyous ones. Be simple and you can do anything, which should have good moral's and be good and you become apple of everyone's eye. This life is so simple and easier to reach greatest strides. It's our mind which takes us fore, our steps are planned by our mind. We learn a lot from life, from people, we interact with them. But one thing should be clear in our own self. We should have roots so beneath, and rooted that we can't go wrong. The roots are in the soil of honesty, and affection. Make your self embody such thoughts, which beautify your image. That you, yourself feel the love, which your thoughts convey. You are the only person who knows, the actual you. We need not live in this world, just for ourselves. But we have to trust in us, and make sure that we make the passer by smile. If we do that and are winning in that, then we can be the beautiful person, and a person who reflects good thoughts, does good deeds, is the person, who's beautiful.


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